Human Growth Hormone reviews and Laboratory tests all in one place.

HGH Benefits

Best HGH to take

Due recent popularity of Human Growth Hormone as anti-aging assistant for both men and woman. Without a doubt, bodybuilding and wider community also uses HGH for weight loss to. Witch indeed is an fabulous agent to do so. Obviously all these positives and benefits of HGH resulted in an increase of supply of various sellers and manufacturers, claiming to have the Highest quality and Best HGH for sale.

Weight Loss

Genuine HGH

Witch became an issue for buyers to know, witch brands and manufacturers offer genuine production, and what production is simply counterfeited and bunk.

In This section, we will try to add all know Human Growth Hormone tests witch were done by ourselves or reputable laboratories across the world, altogether with Before and after results.

HGH Brands comparision

On this Video you can see several famous brands being tested and compared by Silver Farm from Russia.  Tested HGH Brands are Novartis, Ansomone, Zptropin by ZPHC, Nanotrop, GH from Canada Peptides and last but not least Neofin Aqua.

In conclusion, the test results resulted:

Novartis : over 99.8% (the best)
Ansomone : 99.83 %
ZPHC 99.72
Nanotrop 98.9 %
Canada peptides : 99.6%
Neofin Aqua by MGT : 95% (the worst)

HGH testing
Our tested Human Growth Hormone

Human growth hormone from that is available from us, and has been tested on ether Janoshik Testing facilitie or  Lab4tox witch aswell supply with credible testing results.

We post all the results, that were done by customers, who shared them with us.As an discounts are being offered if the results are being shared with us for the future orders. Avex Somatropin Prices and availability. Greytop HGH availability and Prices.

Choose the right HGH for your buisiness